Italy, Travel

Castellabate and taste of fresh mozzarella

Earlier in July, I had a chance to see Italian movie called Benvenuti al Sud (Welcome to the South). It is a nice comedy about differences between South and North of Italy. I was very charmed by the location of the movie, little village Castellabate. So you can imagine how happy I was when the family of my boyfriend proposed a trip there when we visit them in Naples! If you are following me on Instagram you could see snapshots from this village in my stories and here I come with more photos and information 🙂

Na začátku července jsem viděla italský film Benvenuti al Sud. Je to moc milá komedie o rozdílech mezi severem a jihem Itálie. Film se natáčel v malé vesničce Castellabate, která mě velmi okouzlila. Takže si umíte představit, jak jsem byla šťastná, když rodina mého přítele navrhla, že si tam zajedeme na výlet, až za nimi přijedeme do Neapole. Pokud mě sledujete na instagramu, tak jste už mohli vidět střípky z tohoto místa u mě ve stories. Nyní Vám o tomto městě něco napíšu a ukážu více fotek 🙂


How to get to Castellabate?

The medieval castle town Castellabate is located in Campania region, Southern Italy. The easiest way how to reach this city is by car, from Naples takes journey approximately 2 hours (if you are not travelling there like us on Sunday when there is usually high traffic 🙂 ). Another option is to take a train to Agropoli Castellabate and then local bus or taxi to Castellabate.

Středověké město Castellabate se nachází v kraji Kampánie na jihu Itálie. Nejjednodušeji se sem dostanete autem, cesta z Neapole trvá okolo dvou hodin (pokud nepojedete v neděli jako my, kdy bývá větší provoz 🙂 ). Další možnost je jet vlakem do stanice Agropoli Castellabate a poté místním autobusem nebo taxi do Castellabate.

Castellabate Castellabate Castellabate Castellabate Castellabate Castellabate

About Castellabate

This little village is overlooking the turquoise Mediterranean sea and therefore offers really spectacular views. Its historic center is included in UNESCO heritage sites. The main attraction is Angel’s Castle which was built in 1123 and nowadays serves as an art gallery. Probably the most famous place of this village is the main square (because of the movie mentioned above). You can find few souvenirs shops around the square with movie or Castellabate theme. I think you will need around one, two hours to see everything, although if you want to enjoy a lunch here (there are several nice restaurants), plan a longer visit 🙂 The most I loved a walk in the maze of medieval narrow streets full of green plants. Another thing I loved – although we visited this place on Sunday in August (which is the busiest touristic season in the south of Italy), there were not any crowds!

Tato malá vesnička se tyčí nad tyrkysovým Středozemním mořem a nabízí opavdu fantastické výhledy. Její historické centrum je zahrnuto na seznamu UNESCO. Hlavní atrakcí je Andělský hrad z roku 1123, který dnes slouží jako umělecká galerie. Pravděpodobně nejznámnější místo je hlavní náměstí, kde se natáčel film, o kterém jsem psala na začátku. Okolo náměstí najdete několik obchodů se suvenýry právě s tématikou tohoto filmu. Myslím, že k návštěvě toho místa Vám bude stačit hodina, dvě. Pokud se chcete zde i naobědvat (je zde několik příjemných restaurací), tak si naplánujte delší návštěvu 🙂 Já jsem si nejvíce užila procházku v bludišti středověkých úzkých uliček plných zelených rostlin. Dašlí věc, co se mi líbila – i přesto, že jsme tam byli o srpnové neděli (což je nejvíc turisticky vytížené období v jižní Itálii), tak tam nebyli žádné davy!

Castellabate Castellabate Castellabate Castellabate Castellabate Castellabate Castellabate Castellabate Castellabate

Il Granato

Are you mozzarella lover? Then you simply can not miss the cheese factory, Il Granato, which is about 30 minutes drive from Castellabate. You can taste here various fresh products made from buffalo milk like mozzarella, yoghurt or ice cream. The prices are very good and I recommend you to sit in the outdoor cafe area. The surrounding of the cheese factory is very clean and relaxing. And that ice cream from buffalo milk was best I ever had!

Máte rádi mozzarellu? Pokud ano, tak nesmíte minout mlékárnu Il Granato, která se nachází asi půl hodinu autem od Castellabate. Můžete zde ochutnat různé čerstvé produkty z buvolího mléka jako právě mozzarellu, jogurty nebo zmrzlinu. Ceny jsou velmi přívětivé a doporučuji si sednout na venkovní zahrádku. Okolí mlékárny je velmi čisté a klidné. A ta zmrzlina z buvolího mléka byla nejlepší, co jsem kdy jedla!

Il Granato Il Granato Il Granato Il Granato Il Granato

Did it ever happen to you that you fell in love with some destination/place/city in the movie and you went to visit it? Or do you plan to visit such a location? Let me know in comments 🙂

Stalo se Vám někdy, že jste si svoji další destinaci našli ve filmu? Nebo plánujete navštívit nějaké takové místo? Dejte mi vědět do komentářů 🙂


Castellabate Italy



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  1. Penny

    August 26, 2017 at 6:21 am

    Finding places that are off the beaten track are really awesome. You don’t get the usual barrage of tourists. It is quieter and you actually get to see the country for what it truly is. I’m definitely adding Castellabate to my list!

    1. Lenka Zlámalová

      August 31, 2017 at 12:18 pm

      I get that, Penny, I am alway happy to discover places bit off the beaten track 🙂

  2. Sara White

    August 26, 2017 at 8:42 am

    I’ve also been wanting to visit Castellabate since I saw Benvenuti al Sud! I adore exploring little off-the-beaten-path towns, especially in the south of Italy, so I know this town and I will get along just fine. It looks like it’s every bit as charming in real life as it appeared in the film. Thanks for the tip about the mozzarella – it’s probably one of my favourite foods, and a visit to a cheese factory is totally my type of sightseeing.

    1. Lenka Zlámalová

      August 31, 2017 at 12:20 pm

      Nice, that I am not the only one traveling to Castellabate after seeing the movie 🙂 It is so cute and charming place! Thank you, Sara, for your nice comment, hope you manage to visit this place soon!

  3. Ameeta

    August 26, 2017 at 7:53 pm

    Such a beautiful place, and those views!!! Incredible, thanks for sharing 🙂 I really wanted to visit Barcelona after watching Vicki Cristina Barcelona movie but I must say that the movie romanticised it more than what it actually is, so I ended up a tad bit disappointed 😀

    1. Lenka Zlámalová

      August 31, 2017 at 12:21 pm

      Haha before visiting Barcelona I watched that movie like 3 times, just could not wait to be there already! And to me, it was not disappointing at all, I really enjoyed that city with my best friend 🙂

  4. Cherene Saradar

    August 27, 2017 at 9:39 am

    This looks like the kind of place I would like. I love that there are no crowds!!! So nice. I need to see this movie now. Charming place! Thanks for letting us in on the secret:)

    1. Lenka Zlámalová

      August 31, 2017 at 12:22 pm

      Thank you, Cherene! The movie is very nice and after watching it you will book the flight to Campania! 🙂

  5. Aga | worlderingaround

    August 27, 2017 at 2:30 pm

    Great suggestions! And your photos look so sunny and summery that I want to be there now! 🙂

    1. Lenka Zlámalová

      August 31, 2017 at 12:24 pm

      Me too, Aga! 🙂 It is a really lovely place.

  6. Ruth | Tanama Tales

    August 28, 2017 at 1:43 am

    It has to feel so good to visit a place you get to discover in a movie (or song or TV show). Thia place is very charming and I can see why it is an UNESCO World Heritage site. That mozarella looks delicious. The factory would be my first stop (hope they open early!).

    1. Lenka Zlámalová

      August 31, 2017 at 12:25 pm

      Thank you, Ruth. Place is so beautiful and I am still craving that mozzarella and ice cream 🙂

  7. Vick Fichtner

    August 28, 2017 at 12:55 pm

    Loved this post, just discovered a new medieval city and come on… Just reading about that cheese factory left me feeling hungry again (and I just had lunch!)

    Thanks for sharing and great photos!

    1. Lenka Zlámalová

      August 31, 2017 at 12:26 pm

      Thanks, Vick, for your kind words, glad to hear you liked my photos! Yup, I know, that cheese factory! 🙂

  8. David

    August 31, 2017 at 12:09 pm

    I love the photos, they have inspired me to want to visit there.

    1. Lenka Zlámalová

      August 31, 2017 at 12:26 pm

      Thank you very much, David 🙂

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